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In the News Reflections on a year of COVID-19

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ZSFG staff members reflect on their ‘life-altering’ year under COVID

Lukejohn Day and Terry Dentoni

Not many people know what it was like to be on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. At ZSFG, Chief Medical Officer Lukejohn Day and Chief Nursing Officer Terry Dentoni have lived the pandemic every day, with each new surge.

“It’s been life-altering to have seen what we’ve seen. Every day you’re going into the ICU, with pictures of the patients lined up on the windows because we wanted to put a face to each patient,” said Terry Dentoni.

“One thing I’ll take to heart for the rest of my life is the sense of community not only in the hospital but in the larger community with how everyone came together and tried to learn and to do the right thing to support one another. I knew that resilience was there but to see it on full display all day was awe-inspiring and impressive,” said Lukejohn Day.

Read the article on SF Gate

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