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Если вы впервые в Больнице общего профиля Сан-Франциско им. Цукерберга, начните отсюда. Мы поможем вам сориентироваться.
Мы оказываем высококлассные медицинские услуги в атмосфере уюта и заботы. Мы обслуживаем всех жителей Сан-Франциско независимо от их финансовых возможностей.
Вам будет предложен маршрут, вы сможете должным образом сориентироваться и получить необходимую помощь и поддержку.
Мы обеспечиваем высококлассное обслуживание для жителей Сан-Франциско, независимо от их финансового состояния и иммиграционного статуса.
Increasing volume of vocal cords
This is a procedure where a filling agent is injected into your vocal cord(s) to ‘plump them up’ or increase their volume. We use 2 different types of filler. One is a hyaluronic acid injection (HA)- This material is found naturally in our bodies and only lasts around 2 to 3 months. Another is called calcium hydroxyapatite injections (CaH)- This can be natural or synthetic and lasts around 9 to 12 months. Your provider will discuss which they recommend before surgery.
Some examples of reasons for having this procedure performed are if you have vocal cord paralysis or immobility, thin vocal cords, sulcus vocalis, choking or a weak cough due to weak or thin vocal cords, and vocal cord scar.
This procedure is done in the operating room, our anesthesia team will monitor you and make you feel a little sleepy but you will be awake. The most common way the procedure is done is through your mouth. The doctor will numb the back of your mouth with a lidocaine spray, which controls the gag reflex. Numbing medication will be dripped onto your vocal cords which may cause a funny feeling in the back of the throat. Then the injection will occur and the material will be placed.
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