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Если вы впервые в Больнице общего профиля Сан-Франциско им. Цукерберга, начните отсюда. Мы поможем вам сориентироваться.
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Мы обеспечиваем высококлассное обслуживание для жителей Сан-Франциско, независимо от их финансового состояния и иммиграционного статуса.
Removal of the Thyroid gland
A thyroidectomy is surgery to take out your thyroid gland. This gland is shaped like a butterfly. It lies across the windpipe (trachea). The gland makes hormones that control how your body makes and uses energy (metabolism).
A doctor removes the gland when it gets too big, does not work right, or has a tumor. Sometimes the doctor removes all of the thyroid gland and other times, only half of the thyroid gland is removed.
The doctor will take out the thyroid through a cut (incision) in the front of your neck. You will likely have a tube, called a drain, in your neck to let fluid out of the cut. The drain is most often taken out before you go home.
As your doctor discussed, there is a nerve that is close to the thyroid gland called the that controls your voice box. Sometimes this nerve is injured during surgery and this can affect how you speak and how you swallow. This is usually temporary but sometimes it can be permanent. Your doctor will speak with you after the surgery if there was any concern for injury and may use a camera through your nose to look at your voice box. There are also 4 small glands that sit close to the thyroid gland called parathyroid glands. They control the calcium levels in your blood. They can sometimes be damaged during surgery. If this happens, you may need to take calcium supplements. If your entire thyroid gland is removed, you will likely need to take thyroid medication as well.
You may go home on the same day. Or you may stay one or more nights in the hospital. You may return to work or your normal routine in 1 to 2 weeks. This depends on whether you need more treatment and how you feel. It may also depend on the kind of work you do.
Your doctor will check your incision about 1 week after surgery. You may need your stitches removed. You may need to take thyroid medicine or extra calcium. If you have thyroid cancer, you may need to have radioactive iodine therapy. Your doctor will talk to you about what happens next.
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