Septoplasty & Turbinate Reduction

Opening of nasal passage

What is this surgery ?

This surgery involves reshaping some of your nasal anatomy to allow air to pass through more easily through the nose. This includes straightening your septum (septoplasty) or reducing the size of your turbinates (the normal outpouching in your nose that can enlarge and block air flow).

When is surgery recommended?

Your doctor may recommend this surgery if you have nasal obstruction that is not controlled by nasal sprays or other medications, including allergy treatments. Some patients have a deviated septum that makes one side of their nose very narrow. Some patients have very enlarged turbinates due to inflammation. You may be recommended for one or both procedures.

What should I expect from surgery?

You will receive anesthesia medicine to go to sleep. During the surgery, the doctor uses a long camera (or “scope”) to see inside your nose. Then, instruments will be used in your nose to correct your anatomy without any external scars. All of the work is done in the nose and is not expected to affect the appearance of your nose on the outside. The nose has many blood vessels so it is common to have a lot of bloody secretions from your nose and to feel clogged up afterwards. Sometimes packing material may be placed in your nose to help with healing. This sometimes needs to be removed in the clinic after surgery.

What are the risks?

Bleeding and some pain are common after surgery. It is possible that surgery on your septum may leave a hole in your septum. There is a risk that this procedure does not fix all your symptoms. There is also a risk of scarring inside your nose that can lead to a feeling of congestion or obstruction. You may experience a nosebleed after this surgery.

What should I expect after surgery?

You may go home on the same day. You will be asked to start nasal sprays or rinses to aid in the healing. You should also avoid strenuous activity and heavy lifting for 1-2 weeks. You will be scheduled for a clinic appointment within a few weeks to see how you are doing.

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