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Если вы впервые в Больнице общего профиля Сан-Франциско им. Цукерберга, начните отсюда. Мы поможем вам сориентироваться.
Мы оказываем высококлассные медицинские услуги в атмосфере уюта и заботы. Мы обслуживаем всех жителей Сан-Франциско независимо от их финансовых возможностей.
Вам будет предложен маршрут, вы сможете должным образом сориентироваться и получить необходимую помощь и поддержку.
Мы обеспечиваем высококлассное обслуживание для жителей Сан-Франциско, независимо от их финансового состояния и иммиграционного статуса.
Opening up and cleaning out your sinuses
Endoscopic sinus surgery removes small bits of bone and tissue that block the nose and sinuses. This opens up your sinuses and may relieve your symptoms by improving drainage of your sinuses through your nose. It also allows nasal sprays and rinses to get into the nose much better. This surgery is done through your nose using cameras, so there are no cuts on the outside of the face.
Sinus surgery is recommended if you have frequent sinus infections or chronic symptoms of nasal congestion, drainage, facial pressure, and/or decreased smell that do not improve with standard medications.
You will be asleep during the surgery. The doctor uses a long camera (or “scope”) to see inside your nose. Then the doctor puts special tools alongside the scope through your nose in order to remove whatever is blocking your sinuses.
Your doctor will most likely use your CT imaging as a roadmap in order to see where they are operating in your nose. This will help them avoid damaging important nearby structures like your eye or skull.
At the end of the surgery, your doctor may place packing in your nose in order to prevent bleeding and scarring. Your doctor may need to remove this packing in clinic by using a camera (scope). You will be asked to start doing sinus rinses two times per day to help promote healing and prevent dryness. The rinses will help remove crusting and debris for the first 1-2 months. Congestion, nasal bleeding, and facial pressure are common for a few days after surgery — it may feel like you have a bad cold.
Most people go home a few hours after surgery and return to light work duties and a normal routine in about 1-2 weeks, but it depends on the type of work you do and how complex your surgery was. You will need to avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activity for 1-2 weeks.
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