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Brindamos atención médica de primer nivel para la gente de San Francisco, sin importer su capacidad de pago o estatus migratorio.
Removal of the Parotid gland
Parotidectomy is the removal of all or part of the parotid gland. This gland is found below the ear. It makes saliva. The saliva enters the mouth through a tube (duct) near the back teeth.
The gland is taken out for many reasons including scarring or a tumor. Most tumors that grow in the parotid gland are benign, meaning they are not cancer; this will need to be confirmed with the lesion being examined under a microscope.
You will be asleep during the surgery. The doctor will take out the gland through a cut (incision) in your neck and in front of your ear. You may have a tube called a drain placed behind your ear. This lets fluid out of the incision. Your doctor will take this out a few days after your surgery.
The nerve that controls the movement of your face (facial nerve) travels through the parotid gland. There is a risk of damage to those nerves during surgery which may lead to weakness of different parts of your face. This weakness can be temporary or permanent. A monitor is used during the operation for the facial nerve. If there is nerve damage, your doctor will talk to you after the case about options moving forward. There is also a risk of numbness around your ear or face that may be temporary or permanent. Less commonly some people will have sweating of their face when they eat or pain with chewing.
You may go home on the same day or have to be admitted for one or two nights. Your doctor will tell you if you need to come back to have stitches taken out.
You may be able to return to work or your normal routine after a few weeks. How long it will take depends on several things, such as how much tissue was taken out, how quickly you recover, and the kind of work you do.
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